The final format of the file, however, is key. Along with metadata, I have a specific naming convention for each file, but that isn’t a necessity for you.
I have a template saved so with each new file I only have to update the show’s title and episode number. ID3 tags help with the consistency of your audio files. mp3, you should format the ID3 tags for your podcast. Follow these instructions if you do not know what I’m talking about.

If you are using audacity, you will need the LAME MP3 Encoder on your computer. The process for adding an interlude, or any other kind of audio break, is not particularly complicated (Figure 4 – Below).

If there was a major topic change anywhere from 13 to 18 minutes after the intro or most recent interlude then I will find a spot and put in a quick break. While the actual recording of Just Talking is a continuous conversation, I made the decision early on to break up the podcast into pieces based on my perception of the conversation. Unnecessary silences are removed, bleeps are added where necessary and I try to find a good spot for a quick break and add a brief interlude to the podcast. Once the intro is synced up to my liking I move forward with the rest of the podcast. If needed I will generate a quick 2 seconds of silence before I get going. Typically that’s where the host will wait for a few seconds of silence before things get going. It took me a month of editing Post Game Report before I realized what was going on. without that silence the first couple of seconds of audio will be lost. To ensure a smooth transition immediately to audio, there needs to be a kind of “warm up” period before things get going. The other point of interest is the silence before the podcast begins. My voice doesn’t come in for another 2-3 seconds after the fade starts.

I let the music run for 30 seconds before I begin to fade it out. The first order of business is the intro (Figure 3 – Above).